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Beaver Valley Foot Clinic
  (878) 313-3338 We Can Help!

8 Most Effective Tips For Diabetic Foot Care

8 Most Effective Tips For Diabetic Foot Care If you are suffering from diabetes then you must take care of your health properly. You need to manage a lot of things such as medications, checking your blood sugar, performing proper exercise daily, making appointments with the doctor, and maintaining a healthy diet. However, it all […]


KERYDIN Toenail fungus is not only unsightly, but it can develop and cause major health risks if left untreated. Kerydin is an FDA approved topical treatment used to stop the growth of nail fungus. Kerydin (Tavaborole) is an oxaborole antifungal medication. It is specifically used for nail fungus due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes or Trichophyton rubrum. […]

Epsom Salt Bath Uses

Ever taken a hot Epsom salt bath? Epsom Salt Bath Uses You might want to consider it if you’re experiencing the joint pain of arthritis. Maybe you’re sore from working out and don’t want to take any more Motrin or Aleve than you already are. Or perhaps you’re stressed out and need some help relaxing. […]

Heat or Ice for Injuries

Sore muscles? The heat vs. cold debate. Working out is one of the best things you can do for your body. But alongside bumps, sprains, and bruises, muscle soreness affects almost all of us. It’s the “common cold” of the workout world, and to some extent it’s something we just have to put up with. […]

Qutenza Patch Diabetic Neuropathy

Did you that in 2019, 9% of the worlds population suffered from diabetes and neuropathy? While 1 million people suffers from chronic diseases like shingles every year. These three health problems are really dangerous to life and limb and they become even more encroaching into our lives when they start causing us pain. Problems like […]

Restless Leg Syndrome Causes & Treatment

Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome Patients with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) experience uncomfortable sensations in their legs, especially at night. Patient reports vary, and can include “itchy,” “creepy-crawly,” or “pins and needles” feelings. These symptoms are accompanied by a strong, nearly irresistible urge to move the legs. This understandably makes it […]

A Guide to Runners Foot Care.

Taking care of your feet is essential to a healthy lifestyle, and in no sport is it more important than for runners. Whether you are training to run a marathon or just trying to stay fit, there are several ways you can keep your feet healthy for your next run.



MolecuLight-iX-Wound-Care_EUCAN_Rev-1.0 New technology Real-Time Detection of Asymptomatic Bioburden in Wounds Use of the MolecuLight i:X to image for bacterial fluorescence, in conjunction with clinical signs & symptoms, adds an additional bacterial-specific piece of information that can be captured and considered in real-time. Real-Time Detection of Asymptomatic Bioburden in Wounds Accurate wound assessment is essential when determining the […]

walking benefits

Walking Benefits -Get the Most out of Walking Walking benefits everyone and can be an easy and fun way to meet some of your health goals. Whether you are interested in losing weight, increasing your endurance or strengthening your muscles, walking is something that almost everyone can do. It can be done alone, with a […]

shingles vaccine

8 Common Skin & Nail Problems

SKIN AND NAIL PROBLEMS What are Ingrown Toenails? COMMON SKIN & NAIL PROBLEMS – An ingrown nail is the result of a nail growing into the skin that surrounds it. This often occurs at either edge of the big toe. Ingrown nails may be caused by improper trimming, Diabetic nails, injuries, fungal infections, or pressure. […]

pumice stone

How to Use a Pumice Stone

How to Use a Pumice Stone Pumice stones are formed when volcanos are erupted. Although it’s a stone it’s really lightweight and looks like foam. Because of its abrasive properties it can be used to exfoliate the skin by removing dead and dry skin cells from your body parts such as knees and elbows. It […]

Pain Management after Surgery

Pain Management

Pain Management Safely Managing Pain After Surgery After surgery, doctors do everything they can to help you control your pain. Expect  to feel some level of discomfort following surgery, especially the next day. Growing advancements in pain management makes it easier to monitor and decrease your pain. To avoid the overuse of opiods, patients and […]

nike running shoes

Nike Shoes and Favorites

By sacrificing comfort for looks, or choosing a pair of shoes that are wrong for our particular feet, we inevitable cause our feet to suffer. If you’ve ever put on a fabulous heel or stylish loafer and couldn’t wait to take them off when getting home, then you know just how excruciating it can be […]

Podiatrist Beaver Pa

Dr Joe Bozek, Podiatrist Beaver Pa Retires…Goodbye old friend! Foot Doctor near Beaver Pa Wishing a happy retirement to one of my favorite mentors, Dr Joe Bozek DPM 336 College Ave, Beaver Pa. 28 years ago during my surgical residency at Heritage Valley, I had the honor and privilege of training under Dr Bosek. He […]

Barefoot Running

Barefoot Running

Barefoot Running/Minimalist Shoes Running without shoes, or Barefoot running, has become popular recently. The concept behind it is that it promotes a midfoot strike instead of a heel strike. This change is foot strike can reduce the compressive load and help reduce injury.  Professional trainers can determine if this type of running works for you […]

staph bacteria

Staph Infection

Skin infection overview: staph infection.   Most people have heard about staph infections, often through queasiness-inducing stories of medical mishaps. Many also known that the bacteria responsible, Staphylococcus Aureus, is resistant to commonly-used antibiotics (and becoming more so every year). Staph infections can indeed become life-threatening emergencies. Yet it’s also true that about 25% of […]

Get Rid of Smelly Feet and Shoes

Often patients may get smelly feet (otherwise known as bromodosis) every once in a while, but there are a select few that may suffer from stinky feet chronically. Thankfully, there are options to get rid of Smelly Feet and Shoes and combat the odor and regain your confidence. Fast facts on smelly feet Here are […]