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Beaver Valley Foot Clinic
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Plantar Wart Treatment With Lasers for Wart Removal

Wart Treatment

At Beaver Valley Foot Clinic we offer Laser wart removal which is a kid friendly Wart Treatment alternative to painful scarier options. Even  small children tolerate laser treatment for warts (and big babies!). Combined with special acid to treat warts, we have been able to cut the treatment time considerable.

For those busy patients who don’t have time for multiple wart treatments we have the one and done option. This entails the light numbing and surgical removal of warts all in a few minutes.

Plantar warts, also known as Verruca Plantaris, are small growths on the foot that develop after the skin is infected by a virus. They are a common viral skin infection generally located on the bottom side of your foot, also known as verrucca planteris or plantar warts, for which they are named. Plantar warts occur most commonly in children, adolescents, and the elderly, and approximately seven to ten percent of the general population suffer from plantar warts or a similar condition.LASER TREATMENT OF PLANTAR WARTS pittsburgh
Image of Plantar Wart, Plantar Warts Ambridge Pa

SWIFT microwave process

The Swift® System Wart Treatment: a revolutionary new approach to wart removal.

Warts, also known as verrucae, remain one of the most treatment-resistant conditions commonly seen by podiatrists. Treatments currently in use include uncomfortable cryotherapy and heat-based cautery. Both can cause unintentional damage to nearby healthy tissue, and in a substantial number of cases the warts return.

Another frequently encountered treatment option is Topical acid solutions. These come in prescription and over the counter formulations. The stronger prescription topicals are effective if you use as directed, typically for weeks or months. Non-prescription varieties are almost completely ineffective.

Swift® Microwave Technology offers a welcome breakthrough which benefits both patients and physicians. It’s fast, efficient, and scalable to even the most high-volume practices. The Swift® System’s features and benefits include:

Convenience—Swift® treatment times are considerably shorter than competing technologies for Wart Treatment.

Consistency—the Microwave energy used to generate heat during a Swift® treatment can be controlled with extreme precision. Treatments never vary.

Cleanliness—the non-ablative heat produced by the Swift® System never produces smoke. Change our disposable applicator covers easily between patients, and eliminate the need for sterilization.

Confidence—a growing body of research and clinical evidence support the effectiveness of Swift® Microwave technology.

No dressings—the Microwave energy used during treatment does not break or otherwise damage the skin. Sterile dressings may be applied but are not necessary.

No anesthetics—treatments such as cryotherapy and cautery are intensely painful and require local anesthetics such as Lidocaine. In comparison, Swift® treatments are often described as mildly uncomfortable for a period of about 2 seconds. Normal activities can begin immediately after treatment.

No contraindications—the Microwave energy used during treatments is non-ionizing. This means that it’s completely safe for all patients.

Only minimal debridement—more invasive options sometimes require a high degree of lesion reduction prior to treatment. Only superficial debridement is needed to facilitate contact with the applicator head, and the Swift® generator does the rest. This not only enhances patient comfort but speeds treatment time as well.

How to Prevent Warts

In addition to being painful, warts can also be unsightly and embarrassing. While treatments have come a long way in recent years, I think we would all agree that we’d prefer not to get one in the first place. You can significantly reduce the probability that you contract one by following a few simple guidelines.

  • Cover your feet when in areas where the human papillomavirus (HPV) commonly breeds. HPV likes warm wet places like gym showers and indoor pool decks.
  • Fully dry off your feet before putting on socks or sandals.
  • Wash your feet well when showering or bathing.
  • Change into clean, dry socks everyday and whenever you get the ones you’re wearing wet.
  • If you have a wart, don’t use the same equipment that you used on your wart on your healthy skin. For example bandages or emery boards.


Contact The Beaver Valley Foot Clinic by calling (878) 313-3338 for additional information or to schedule an appointment. You can also find information on our website 

What are warts and how do I avoid them?

Each day we risk the exposure to many viruses. Particularly, the Human Papillomavirus, known as HPV is quite commonly exposed to us on a daily basis. Depending on the individual and biological variability, a wart may occur when skin cells are infected with HPV which causes the skin cells to grow at an accelerated rate.  Of the 150 types of HPV, roughly ten of these may cause warts. Below is specific information regarding the types of warts to look out for.

As stated previously, HPV can be carried on many daily items such as doorknobs or other people. Those individuals with compromised immune systems may be at higher risk for developing warts. Some occupations may be at higher risk for developing warts as well. For example, those that work with meat, fish, or poultry may be at a higher risk . Not much of an explanation can be made for why others develop warts, but it simply depends on genetics.

Treatment of warts

plantar wartsOn average, fifty percent of warts disappear within a year of developing. If patient, most people can wait for a wart to go away. But unfortunately foot warts aren’t usually among the kinds that go away. Because we walk on them, the pressure pushes them deeper into the skin and makes it almost impossible to treat with over the counter medicine unless they are caught immediately. Read further below if you know you cannot wait for a wart to disappear. Mostly, experts would recommend seeking treatment to lower the risk of warts occurring again. A variety of options exist for the treatment of warts.

When do I talk to my Doctor about Wart Treatment?

Unfortunately, many skin cancers can be mistaken for warts at first. Luckily, if your warts do not change in size, color, or shape you are at a much greater chance of it only being a wart. Older folks in their 50s or over should be cognizant of any developing skin conditions and be sure to follow up with your physician if there is any suspicion.

Pre & Post treatment Recommendations

Toenail Fungus or Wart Reduction Treatment

Nail Fungus is an overgrowth of fungus in, under, or on the toenails. Fungus thrives in warm moist environments, like sweaty socks and shoes. The nail becomes thick, yellow or brown, or brittle (cracked and crumbly). 

Contagious Factors for Nail Fungus can include:

  • having an injured nail or nail trauma (sports)
  • repeated exposure to infected nails such as fitness clubs, public showers, swimming pools, and walking around barefoot in a hotel or locker room
  • family history of susceptibility, compromised immune system, poor health conditions, diabetes or poor circulation
  • increased age may make one more susceptible
  • wearing tight shoes, not allowing feet to breathe, perspiring more (moist), warmer climate areas, having skin conditions such as psoriasis/eczema or athlete’s foot.
  • The same common type fungus that causes jock itch, yeast infections, athlete’s foot and ringworm can cause a nail infection. 

Although temporarily effective, many cannot take oral antifungal medications, such as Lamisil, due to side effects. A toenail fungus or wart reduction laser treatment works by shining a focused beam of light that is calibrated to a specific frequency that targets cells responsible for the infection. The laser penetrates the toenail and eliminates fungus embedded in the nail bed and nail plate. Treating all toes is recommended to eradicate fungus that has yet to show up; thus preventing recurrence. Most patients need 3 or more treatments; depending upon the length of time and severity of infection. 

Plantar warts are caused by human papilloma virus or HPV. They usually present as small growths that appear on weight-bearing areas of your foot such as the heel or forefoot. Pressure may cause these plantar warts to grow inward beneath a thick layer of hard skin (callus). Our Podiatrist recommends a combination of laser with salicylic acid, minor surgery, OTC freezing sprays, or the new Swift microwave wart treatment.


We recommend visiting the Podiatrists at or 878-313-3338 for toenails that are too thick. You’ll want to have the nails dremeled thinner for more effective penetration of the laser into the fungus filled nailbed. Patients must remove any traces of nail polish and please clean your feet, especially lint as this can cause complications with the laser.  A deep or large wart may need to be scraped prior to treatment to allow the laser to penetrate the root of the wart. 

How long does it take to see results after laser treatment?

The timeframe for visible results after laser treatment for plantar warts can vary among individuals. In many cases, some improvement is noticeable immediately after the procedure, with the wart appearing less raised or prominent. However, complete resolution may take several weeks to months. This is because the laser targets the wart’s blood vessels, causing it to gradually shrink and eventually fall off. Patience is key, as the body’s immune system also plays a role in clearing the wart. Close post-treatment monitoring and follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider are essential to assess progress and determine if additional sessions are necessary for complete wart removal.

Is laser treatment painful, and is anesthesia used?

Laser treatment for plantar warts can be uncomfortable, but it is often tolerable for most patients. The level of discomfort can vary from person to person and may depend on factors such as pain tolerance and the specific type of laser used. Some individuals describe the sensation as a stinging or burning feeling during the procedure.

To make the experience more manageable, healthcare providers often use local anesthesia to numb the area before performing laser treatment. This local anesthesia can be administered through an injection or applied topically as a cream. The choice of anesthesia method may vary depending on the patient’s preference and the healthcare provider’s recommendation.

In cases where multiple warts need treatment or the patient has a low pain threshold, anesthesia can greatly improve the comfort of the procedure. It’s essential to discuss pain management options and any concerns with your healthcare provider before undergoing laser treatment for plantar warts to ensure a more comfortable experience.

Is laser treatment an effective option for plantar wart removal?

Yes, laser treatment can be an effective option for plantar wart removal, especially for stubborn or larger warts.

Post Laser Treatment

Use tolnaftate or undecylenic acid antifungal treatment 1-2 times daily until nails grow out clear, then a few times a week to maintain results and prevent re-infection. Clean anything your feet have touched before treatment (nail clippers/files, shower, sheets, etc.), with clorox, lysol, or fungus disinfectant. For warts use verrustat anti wart topical medication.

For better, faster results – Disinfect all your other footwear (with sporicidal antifungal shoe spray, available in our offices), pull inside sole out, spray deep inside shoes to cover toe areas. Completely dry shoes before putting them back on and if the weather is nice, leave them out in sunlight, ultraviolet helps kill fungal spores. Spray shoes again after they dry to kill any remaining fungus that may have survived the first spraying. Let them dry completely.

Soak feet 15 min/day for about 10 days after each laser treatment. Use tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water or 1 teaspoon of bleach in half a gallon of water (enough to cover the toes in a small basin) to help prevent reinfection. Additionally, essential oils, Epsom salt, and baking soda when mixed can aid in the removal of fungal infections and foot odor. For this combination begin by combining a 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/2 cup of Epsom salt, 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 4 cups of hot water and a drop of your favorite essential oil. Rinse and allow nails to dry thoroughly before wearing socks and shoes. Combining medications, soaks, or topicals with laser treatments has proven to give the most effective results and protection of your investment.