surgery, and you’ll be up and walking within days ! Learn More →
Foot Care And Treatment Gallery

Foot Care And Treatment Gallery – Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area
Caution the farther you go, images may be graphic and unsuitable for small children and those with weak stomachs.
Foot Care and Treatment Galleries
Surgical foot care, podiatrist in surgery, foot surgery, surgery of foot:
DISCLAIMER: Everyones’ results are different, even when treating similar problems in the same manner. This is based on each patients family and medical history and personal and genetic factors as well as the extent of their disease/deformity. Also patient compliance and activities after treatment affect outcome. So no expectations based on others results or outcomes and general percentages should be used to make your treatment decisions.
Bunion Before and After
If bunions are mild, they can often be treated by wearing wider shoes or by placing padding in your shoe. However, if the problem is severe, or if you are diabetic, you can schedule a simple, one-hour outpatient procedure that can have you back into your shoes within three to six weeks. You’ll be able to walk immediately, but will have to wear a special shoe for several weeks.
If you think that you’re suffering from bunions, call Beaver Valley Foot Clinic today. Don’t walk around in pain—while painful, bunions can be treated through simple surgery, and you’ll be up and walking within days ! Learn More →
Laser Wart Removal
At Beaver Valley Foot Clinic we offer Laser wart removal which is a kid friendlyalternative to painful scarier options. Laser treatment for warts is well tolerated by even very small children (and big babies!). Combined with special acid to treat warts, the treatment time is cut down considerable. Learn More →
Wart Removal
This is a picture of an 11 yo boy who had a wart removed from his baby toe. The left hand picture shows one week after surgery, may look like the wart is still there but that is just the healing process. The picture on the right is his toe a month later; you can’t tell he ever had a wart. Learn More →
Ingrown Toenail Before and After
If you get recurring ingrown or infected toenails, the local Pittsburgh Podiatrists at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic have a simple 5 minute office procedure to permanently kill ingrown toenails at the root of the problem! With locations including foot clinics Moon Township, Cranberry, Ambridge and Beaver foot doctors offices, we can conveniently offer same day appointments to get you out of pain quickly and easily. Learn More →
Ingrown Toenail Removal
The picture on the top left is an 11 yo boy who had an infected ingrown toenail border removed and the root permanently treated with medication to make it never grow back a week previously. the top right photo is 5 months later, completely healed with no return of the ingrown. Learn More →
Callous Removal
With our help, calluses and corns can be monitored and controlled. There are certain medications that remove the dead skin that make up most corns and calluses. However, you should never try to cut or shave them off yourself—corns and calluses can become badly infected. Learn More →
Big Toe Ulcer
Diabetic ulcers are sores that occur when pressure cuts off the blood supply to the skin. The stress that is produces by the body’s own weight, as well as the impact your feet repeatedly striking the ground to day-to-day activities place the ball of the foot, the big toe, and the heel at greater risk. If left untreated, an ulcer may allow infection to enter your body, which can put your limbs or even your life at risk. Fortunately, with the help of Beaver Valley Foot Clinic’s doctors, pressure ulcers can be controlled and even prevented. Learn More →
Knee Injury Construction Before and After
If a painful or infected foot or lower leg wound is bothering you, do not wait any longer to contact the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic. Our caring and experienced experts can help with your wound care. From wound dressings to pain relief, Dr. Teimouri DPM and the staff of the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic are here for you and your feet!
Below Shows a severe skin wound from slipping off a crane on a contruction site and scraping the skin off. Initial presentation is at te bottom and over the next 8 weeks, even though patient was diabetic and in poor health with severe chronic leg edema, he went on to full healing under our care. Learn More →
Knee Injury Construction Before and After
If a painful or infected foot or lower leg wound is bothering you, do not wait any longer to contact the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic. Our caring and experienced experts can help with your wound care. From wound dressings to pain relief, Dr. Teimouri DPM and the staff of the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic are here for you and your feet!
Below Shows a severe skin wound from slipping off a crane on a contruction site and scraping the skin off. Initial presentation is at te bottom and over the next 8 weeks, even though patient was diabetic and in poor health with severe chronic leg edema, he went on to full healing under our care. Learn More →
How Manage Chronic Pain If It’s Coming From A Foot Injury?
Managing chronic pain from a foot injury can be difficult, however there are multiple ways like self-care, medications, and strategies like life-style changes that will help you ease this pain quickly, so let’s get to know more about them!
Medical Treatments
- Pain Medications: Over-the-counter medications like Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are usually effective and can help you manage pain and inflammation. However, it’s a great idea to consider prescribed medications for severe pain.
- Orthotics: Custom Orthotic devices are known to provide support and alleviate pressure from injured area.
- Topical Analgesics: Creams, gels, and patches that include pain reliving substances are getting popular due to their effectiveness and ease to use!
Self-Care Strategies:
- Ice and Heat therapy: Applying ice and heat is an old remedy to relive pain, it works well, especially if your pain isn’t too severe.
- Elevation and Rest: Elevating the affected area which is foot in this case can reduce swelling which will help you ease the pain.
- Staying Hydrated: Drinking a plenty of water and having a healthy diet will lead to a healthy body, which allows you to heal faster and get rid of pain much quickly.
Life-Style Changes
- Weight management: In many cases weight can make you feel much more pain than you actually should experience, thanks to the pressure being put on the affected area, so weight management isn’t a bad idea.
- Proper Footwear: If you wear ill-fitting shoes, that are not breathable and are too tight for your feet then you are already putting your feet in a big trouble, so consider changing them soon.
- Activity Modification: Despite being healthy some activities can too much pressure on your foot, leading to an unhealthy healing, consider low impact activities for a while.