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Ingrown Toenail Treatments

Ingrown Toenail Treatments – Pittsburgh Area

Ingrown Toenail Treatments


If you have ever suffered from an ingrown toenail, you know it can be PAINFUL! If you get an ingrown toenail over and over or one that has gotten infected, our Pittsburgh Podiatrists have simple Ingrown Toenail Treatments. 5 minute procedure to once and for all kill ingrown toenail borders at the root of the problem! With Beaver Valley Foot Clinic locations including foot Clinics Moon Township, Cranberry,Ambridge and Beaver foot doctors offices, we can conveniently offer same day appointments to get you out of pain quickly and easily.
Ingrown Toenails can be painful, don’t let that stop you from enjoying your day. Call now 878-313-FEET (3338)



FAQ about ingrown toenails:

Nail surgeryWhat causes an ingrown toenail in Beaver PA?

  • Tight socks, pressure from shoes, sports like soccer, family predisposition, and incorrect trimming are all causes of ingrown toenails.

How do I know if I have an ingrown toenail in Moon Twp?

  • You know if you have an ingrown toenail if the side of the nail is pushing into the skin of the toe and hurts. The skin on the side of the toenail starts to get red and swollen. Then the infection can get much worse if not treated.

How do you prevent ingrown toenails in Pittsburgh PA?

There are 5 ways to prevent an ingrown toenail.

  1. Wear wide comfortable shoes.
  2. Avoid tight stockings.
  3. If you play sports or run then keep your nails shorter.
  4. Never pick or pull the skin around your nail.
  5. As you get older or have odd shaped nails, have your nails cut by a Podiatrist in Pittsburgh like Dr Teimouri DPM.

How can I cure an ingrown toenail?

fungus nail

  • The best cure for an ingrown toenail is visiting your local podiatry clinic in Ambridge who performs ingrown toenail treatments. Until you get there, soak your foot in either warm soapy water or epson salts for ten- fifteen minutes twice a day.
  • Sometimes gently trimming the tip of the corner once it is soft can alleviate symptoms for a very short time; however, if you continue to do this with out eventual professional ingrown toenail treatments, it often leads to a spicule. This is a sharp piece of nail, that sticks inside and continues to grow out of your reach. It can make matters much worse. Last, after soaking, apply antibiotic ointment and a band aid daily, as a follow up to ingrown toenail treatments.

How To Know If An Ingrown Toenail Is Infected?

If you notice these signs, then there are chances your ingrown toenail is infected:

1. Redness and Swelling: These changes are common when you develop an injury, but if they last for too long and don’t seem to go away, then it can be concerning.

2. Pus Or Drainage: This is one of the most common sign of infection, so if there’s any pus coming out, you should know your ingrown toenail is infected.

3. Increased Pain: Pain is supposed to be there’s since your toenail is injured, but if it increases and you experience tenderness when touching.

4. Fever or Chills: If these randomly happen after developing ingrown toenail, then it’s guaranteed something is wrong, and you should be informing your doctor.

Can An Ingrown Toenail Lead To Other Foot Problems If It’s Left Untreated?

Yes, if left untreated then ingrown toenail can easily lead to other foot problems, especially if it has become infected, here are some potential complications:

1. Spreading Infection: Infection can easily spread to the surrounding skin or if you touch the injury.

2. Chronic Pain and Inflammation: This makes walking and other daily activities difficult, it may even interfere with your gait, which can make a lot of normal situations really difficult or uncomfortable.

3. Nail Deformities: The shape of your nail can be changed permanently.

4. Bone Infection: This is quite serious, if the infection reaches bones then you will require intensive treatment.

Can Ingrown Toenails Recur After Treatment?

Yes, ingrown toenails can recur even after the treatment, but usually it depends on lifestyle factors. Such as, if your nails aren’t trimmed properly, your footwear are tight or you had an injury on your toenail, but genetics can play a role too! Which is why some people prefer treatment like partial nail removal. 

What are some symptoms of ingrown toenails ?

  • Ingrown toenail symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, possibly a foul odor (that’s when you know its bad), and in severe cases something called granulomatous tissue- overgrown bleeding very painful tissue growing over the side of the nail, making it very large and UGLY! If this is you call us right now for ingrown toenail treatments.878-313-3338!