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Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser

About Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser

  • Are you embarrassed by what people would think if they saw your unsightly nails or warts?
  • Would you like a simple easy way to get rid of fungus or warts?

Quick Painless Affordable Safe

Beaver Valley Foot Clinic uses the latest technology, and we are right in your backyard! For the Treatment of Fungal Nails Pittsburgh, Onychomycosis, chronic pain, plantar warts.

Toenail Fungus Removal

Toenail fungus can be very embarrassing. Fortunately, there is laser treatment available for this condition. Laser treatments for toenail fungus removal were first approved by the Food and Drug Administration back in 2010. Health care professionals at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic can use several types of lasers to remove the toenail fungus. Laser treatments are popular for toenail fungus removal because they destroy and heat the harmful fungi, but they keep the healthy tissue intact.

It is important to note that the toenail does not instantly become clear after getting this treatment. However, the fungus will die, and the results of this procedure will become more apparent when the new nail grows out. In many cases, people only need to get one treatment before they get the results they want. Some people have to return to Beaver Valley Foot Clinic for a follow-up treatment in order to ensure the fungus is gone.


Laser treatments

Laser treatments for toenail fungus removal can typically completed within 15 minutes. There is no drugs or anesthesia required for this treatment. Laser treatment is also painless. Additionally, laser treatment is very safe.

Even though laser treatment is effective for killing fungus, a new fungal infection may still develop. People who are genetically predisposed to this disease are very likely to develop a new fungal infection. Patients with aggressive toenail fungus are often required to get periodic treatments.

Cosmetic Procedure

Laser treatment is considered a cosmetic procedure. That is why it is not covered by most health insurance plans. The cost of laser treatment can vary greatly.

If you are interested in getting laser treatment for toenail fungus removal, then you should contact us here at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic. Our professionals at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic will be happy to answer any questions that you have. We are based out of Pittsburgh, PA. also 8 other Body Beautiful locations have licensed technicians to laser your toenails

Pre & Post treatment Recommendations

Toenail Fungus or Wart Reduction Treatment

Nail Fungus is an overgrowth of fungus in, under, or on the toenails. Fungus thrives in warm moist environments, like sweaty socks and shoes. The nail becomes thick, yellow or brown, or brittle (cracked and crumbly). 

Laser treatments for toenail fungus removal in pittsburgh

Contagious Factors for Nail Fungus can include:

  • having an injured nail or nail trauma (sports)
  • repeated exposure to infected nails such as fitness clubs, public showers, swimming pools, and walking around barefoot in a hotel or locker room
  • family history of susceptibility, compromised immune system, poor health conditions, diabetes or poor circulation
  • increased age may make one more susceptible
  • wearing tight shoes, not allowing feet to breathe, perspiring more (moist), warmer climate areas, having skin conditions such as psoriasis/eczema or athlete’s foot.
  • The same common type fungus that causes jock itch, yeast infections, athlete’s foot and ringworm can cause a nail infection. 

Although temporarily effective, many cannot take oral antifungal medications, such as Lamisil, due to side effects. A toenail fungus or wart reduction laser treatment works by shining a focused beam of light that is calibrated to a specific frequency that targets cells responsible for the infection. The laser penetrates the toenail and eliminates fungus embedded in the nail bed and nail plate. Treating all toes is recommended to eradicate fungus that has yet to show up; thus preventing recurrence. Most patients need 3 or more treatments; depending upon the length of time and severity of infection. 

Plantar warts are caused by human papilloma virus or HPV. They usually present as small growths that appear on weight-bearing areas of your foot such as the heel or forefoot. Pressure may cause these plantar warts to grow inward beneath a thick layer of hard skin (callus). Our Podiatrist recommends a combination of laser with salicylic acid, minor surgery, OTC freezing sprays, or the new Swift microwave wart treatment.


We recommend visiting the Podiatrists at or 878-313-3338 for toenails that are too thick. You’ll want to have the nails dremeled thinner for more effective penetration of the laser into the fungus filled nailbed. Patients must remove any traces of nail polish and please clean your feet, especially lint as this can cause complications with the laser.  A deep or large wart may need to be scraped prior to treatment to allow the laser to penetrate the root of the wart. 

Post Laser Treatment

Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser

Use tolnaftate or undecylenic acid antifungal treatment 1-2 times daily until nails grow out clear, then a few times a week to maintain results and prevent re-infection. Clean anything your feet have touched before treatment (nail clippers/files, shower, sheets, etc.), with clorox, lysol, or fungus disinfectant.

For better, faster results – Disinfect all your other footwear (with sporicidal antifungal shoe spray, available in our offices), pull inside sole out, spray deep inside shoes to cover toe areas. Completely dry shoes before putting them back on and if the weather is nice, leave them out in sunlight, ultraviolet helps kill fungal spores. Spray shoes again after they dry to kill any remaining fungus that may have survived the first spraying. Let them dry completely.

Soak feet 15 min/day for about 10 days after each laser treatment. Use tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water or 1 teaspoon of bleach in half a gallon of water (enough to cover the toes in a small basin) to help prevent reinfection. Additionally, essential oils, Epsom salt, and baking soda when mixed can aid in the removal of fungal infections and foot odor. For this combination begin by combining a 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/2 cup of Epsom salt, 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 4 cups of hot water and a drop of your favorite essential oil. Rinse and allow nails to dry thoroughly before wearing socks and shoes. Combining medications, soaks, or topicals with laser treatments has proven to give the most effective results and protection of your investment.


What is the Laser Toenail Fungus Procedure?

You may have tried over the counter medications to treat fungus from your local drug store with no improvement. Christina Teimouri Dpm, Podiatrist near me, one of the best Podiatrist in Pittsburgh, can write a prescription for oral medicines to take by mouth or apply to your toenails to fight the toenail fungus infection. She can also help to cure the problem with Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser. If you have fungus toenails, our Podiatrist can kill it painlessly, using a laser,-a special beam of light.

Do I Need More Than One Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser?

Depending on the thickness and severity of your toenail fungus, you may need between 1-4 sessions of laser to treat toenail fungus. One session can takes 10 minutes or so. Dr Tina usually recommends a topical products to prevent the fungus from returning, the same way you originally got the fungal nail infection. This helps the toenail fungus treatment become more effective.

Toenails grow at a rate of about 1mm per month; therefore, they will not look clear right immediately. Your Podiatrist will clip off the old fungus nail as it grows out. Within 4-6 months you can usually see the clear nail growing out from the cuticle. Usually a year later-fungus free nails!

Is the Procedure Painful? How Long Does the Procedure Take?

We use the most effective laser for toenail fungus. This laser effectively treats chronic toenail fungus infection. The laser shines a focused light beam to the target area, into the infected toenail. The laser penetrates the toenail and vaporizes the fungal hyphae under the nail plate, where the infection lies, pulling the infection up and removing it. The toenail will grow out within a few months, fungus free. During your initial consultation, our experts will go over the treatment and procedure to eliminate the fungus.

Usually one treatment is enough, but sometimes that depends on the individual and the condition of your toenails, which will be determined by your podiatrist. We offer packages for follow up treatment for all our patients, just in case.

 This procedure takes less than 15 minutes and is completely painless, with no drugs or anesthesia required.

Formula 3 Topical Nail Fungus Medicine, Moon Twp PA

After Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser , Will Fungus Grow Back?

  • During the procedure, the fungus appears to be killed by the laser light without harming the rest of your toenail. Some individuals may have a predisposition to the disease, however, or they have an aggressive case that may require periodic treatment to kill any new fungal infection that may arise.

What Does FDA Cleared Mean?

  • Our laser has been cleared for dermatological use by the FDA. This is considered a dermatological procedure.

How Much Does Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser Cost?

  • The cost of the Procedure may vary by case. Please call our office for pricing.

Why Isn’t Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser Covered By My Insurance?

  • This is considered a cosmetic, not a medical procedure. It causes clear nail growth through the death of the fungus. Very few health insurance plans cover this procedure.

How Do I Pay For Toenail Fungus Treatment Laser?

The Doctors currently offer this procedure on a “fee for service” basis only. You will have to pay for the procedure at the time of your treatment. Cash, checks, money orders, Visa and Mastercard are accepted.

We recommend an appointment with Dr. Teimouri, DPM prior to treatment to verify the fungus and the benefits of the procedure to you. She can answer all your medical questions and can be reached at 878-313-3338 with 4 locations. You may also schedule the procedure at Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa 12 convenient locations in the Pittsburgh area by calling 724-987-3221. Go to to see other available laser procedures.


About Toenails Fungus Treatments Laser

Toenails Fungus Treatments Laser

  • Are you embarrassed by what people would think if they saw your unsightly nails or warts?
  • Would you like a simple easy way to get rid of fungus or warts?
 Toenail Fungus Removal Pittsburgh

Quick Painless Affordable Safe- Toenails Fungus Treatments Laser

Beaver Valley Foot Clinic uses the latest technology, and we are right in your backyard! For Toenails Fungus Treatments Laser and

Treatment of Fungal Nails Pittsburgh, Onychomycosis, chronic pain, plantar warts.

Toenail fungus can be very embarrassing. Fortunately, there is laser treatment available for this condition. Laser treatments for toenail fungus removal were first approved by the Food and Drug Administration back in 2010. Health care professionals at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic can use several types of lasers to remove the toenail fungus. Laser treatments are popular for toenail fungus removal because they destroy and heat the harmful fungi, but they keep the healthy tissue intact.

Laser Toenails Fungus removal

However, the fungus will die, and the results of this procedure will become more apparent when the new nail grows out. In many cases, people only need to get one treatment before they get the results they want. Some people have to return to Beaver Valley Foot Clinic for a follow-up treatment in order to ensure the fungus is gone.

Laser treatments for toenail fungus removal can typically completed within 15 minutes. There is no drugs or anesthesia required for this treatment. Laser treatment is also painless. Additionally, laser treatment is very safe.

Even though laser treatment is effective for killing fungus, a new fungal infection may still develop. People who are genetically predisposed to this disease are very likely to develop a new fungal infection. Patients with aggressive toenail fungus are often required to get periodic treatments.

Laser treatment is considered a cosmetic procedure. That is why it is not covered by most health insurance plans. The cost of laser treatment can vary greatly.

If you are interested in getting laser treatment for toenail fungus removal, then you should CONTACT US here at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic. Our professionals at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic will be happy to answer any questions that you have. We are based out of Pittsburgh, PA.

How Much Does a Laser Toenail Treatment Cost?

 You should know that laser treatments are not covered by many insurance companies.

Unfortunately, most heat laser treatments are priced in the upper end of the hundreds/per treatment. The One PinPointe laser treatment can run you $1000, the LightPod Neo costs $395, and the Cutera GenesisPlus treatment can run you around $1000 depending on the thickness of the nail and the number of toes being treated, and finally, VARIABreeze is priced at $275 or more per session. I suggest come in for a consult, price depends on number of nails treated and how many treatments are necessary. We are priced much better than any surrounding offices, as we specialize in this treatment.

Call 878-313-3338 for the office closest to you!

What is the Laser Toenail Fungus Procedure?  

  • We use the most effective laser for toenail fungus. This laser effectively treats chronic toenail fungus infection. The laser shines a focused light beam to the target area, into the infected toenail. The laser penetrates the toenail and vaporizes the nail plate, where the infection lies, pulling the infection up and removing it. The toenail will grow back within a few months, fungus free. During your initial consultation, our experts will go over the treatment and procedure to eliminate the fungus.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Good news is that there are little to no side-effects that should hamper your decision to seek laser therapy. For Q-Switched and cold laser treatments there were no side-effects reported in their related studies.

However, during the studies on heat laser treatments, there were several participants that reported pain during the procedure, and a burning/darkening of the treated area. When undergoing heat laser treatment, you may begin to see plumes of smoke and a smell, as the area heats up. While this may seem dangerous, the heat treatment is tightly controlled and safe.

When Can I Expect to See Results?

You can expect to see some improvement within a few weeks, but it will be a couple of months before you really begin to see permanent results, as full nail regrowth typically happens within six to twelve months.

Following the treatment, it is best that you aim to maintain proper foot hygiene among other additional foot care practices (such as wearing breathable socks and shoes), as this will help prevent the fungus from coming back during the healing. 

The Last Word on Lasers

Based on current studies, Q-switched laser treatments seem to be the most promising standalone treatment option for toenail fungus removal, while others simply lack conclusive data to reliably claim effectiveness beyond the word of the doctors who advocate for their use.

In tandem with other therapy options, laser treatments can go a long way towards helping your body recover and heal from the infection. It is always best to consult your physician before deciding on a treatment, so please do not hesitate to speak out to us at the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic.


Do I Need More Than One Treatment?

  • Usually one treatment is enough, but sometimes that depends on the individual and the condition of your toenails, which will be determined by your podiatrist. We offer one free follow up treatment for all our patients, just in case.

How long does each laser treatment session last?

The duration of each laser treatment session for toenail fungus can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the infection and the specific laser device used. In general, a typical laser treatment session for toenail fungus can last anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes per affected foot.

During the treatment session, the laser is directed at the affected toenail(s) to heat and destroy the fungus that causes the infection. The laser energy penetrates the nail and targets the underlying fungus without causing damage to the surrounding skin or tissue.

The number of treatment sessions needed can also vary, with most patients requiring multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve the desired results.

Can toenail fungus laser treatment be used for people with diabetes or other health conditions?

Toenail fungus laser treatment can be used for people with diabetes or other health conditions, but caution is advised, and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing the treatment.

People with diabetes are more prone to foot complications, including infections, poor circulation, and nerve damage, which can increase the risk of complications from toenail fungus and its treatment. It’s crucial for individuals with diabetes to have regular foot exams and follow a comprehensive foot care plan. Before undergoing laser treatment for toenail fungus, individuals with diabetes should discuss the risks and benefits with their healthcare provider.

How soon can results be seen after laser treatment?

The timing of results can vary from person to person, but in general, it may take several months to see noticeable improvement after laser treatment for toenail fungus.

After the laser treatment session, the affected toenails will not immediately appear different. Over the following weeks and months, as the new, healthy nail grows in, you may start to see the results of the treatment.

Is the Procedure Painful? How Long Does the Procedure Take?

  • This procedure takes less than 15 minutes and is completely painless, with no drugs or anesthesia required.

Will the Fungus Grow Back?

  • During the procedure, the fungus appears to be killed by the laser light without harming the rest of your toenail. Some individuals may have a predisposition to the disease, however, or they have an aggressive case that may require periodic treatment to kill any new fungal infection that may arise.

What Does FDA Cleared Mean?

  • Our laser has been cleared for dermatological use by the FDA. This is considered a dermatological procedure.

How Much Does It Cost?

  • The cost of the Procedure may vary by case. Please call our office for pricing.

Why Isn’t This Covered By My Insurance?

  • This is considered a cosmetic, not a medical procedure. It causes clear nail growth through the death of the fungus. Very few health insurance plans cover this procedure.

How Do I Pay For Laser Toenails Fungus Treatments?

The Doctors currently offer this procedure on a “fee for service” basis only. You will have to pay for the procedure at the time of your treatment. Cash, checks, money orders, Visa and Mastercard are accepted.

We recommend an appointment with Dr. Teimouri, DPM prior to treatment to verify the fungus and the benefits of the procedure to you. She can answer all your medical questions and can be reached at 878-313-3338 with 4 locations. You may also schedule the procedure at Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa 12 convenient locations in the Pittsburgh area by calling 724-987-3221. Go to to see other available laser procedures.

Skin resurfacing lasers have taken the health and beauty industry by storm. They’re everywhere, and are proving themselves capable of making skin look younger and removing hair, and even assisting in minor surgery. Non-skin medical lasers have even become commonplace (and extremely effective) in eye surgery.

Lasers produce something called coherent light. What this exactly means is that all of the light is headed in one direction, that it isn’t “scattered” like the light coming from a lightbulb, and this coherent light packs enormous amounts of energy into a very small beam. Industrial lasers are a perfect example, as they’re being used to literally cut steel.

Another medically important aspect of lasers is that they come in different wavelength. Different types of tissues absorb each wavelength differently, and what this practically means is that large amounts of heat can be built up in a short amount of time in the target tissue, while surrounding tissue is for the most part bypassed. Hair follicles are a good example. Just set the laser to the wavelength needed to destroy the follicle, and the result is a precise treatment with few unintended effects. Non-follicle tissue is largely ignored.

Using lasers in the context of treating nail fungus goes like this: the laser is set to heat only the fungus, to the extent that this is possible. The only practical problems are that the fungus most often isn’t one uniform color, and that the actual toenail must be penetrated to reach the layers below. A different technique involves using something called a fractional laser to bore many extremely small holes in the nail so that topical antifungal medications can penetrate down to where the fungus lives. These are both innovative procedures, and have shown much promise.

But do these high-tech approaches work better than more traditional treatments?

This is the real question. What’s the better approach to treating onychomycosis (toenail fungus) with Laser Toenails Fungus Treatments.

The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that we don’t know, since large scale studies haven’t been done, especially ones that measure success rates for one year to multiple years after treatment. Why? Laser treatment is so new that there simply hasn’t been enough time.

Only now is laser therapy for fungal infections of (mainly) toenails and fingernails coming into the mainstream. Many journal articles have been published, some in prominent scientific journals, and the message is consistent: there is some early evidence that this works, yet more study is needed. The official line adopted by these authors, mostly dermatologists, is that laser is safe, and should be tried when other, more proven methods aren’t working. What these articles fail to mention is that these traditional methods are marginally effective at best.

Another point that comes across loud and clear is the following caveat. Since this modality hasn’t been around for very long, it’s been impossible to determine continued success rates in the years following treatment. This is a situation which will obviously be addressed in time.

top Laser Toenail Fungus Removal in pittburgh

Yet none of this changes the fact that many clinicians are using laser therapy to treat toenail fungus, and they’re getting good results. It’s also notable that the FDA has cleared some laser devices specifically for this purpose.

Toe Fungus Removal