What Our Patients Are Saying…
Beaver Valley Foot Clinic Focuses on Patient Care, Giving Back to Community
For more than 16 years, Beaver Valley Foot Clinic has been at the forefront of podiatry care, providing a variety of cutting-edge options to patients suffering from heel pain, bunions, diabetic neuropathy, sprains, strains and more. The family-run business, which includes board-certified foot surgeon Dr. Christina Teimouri, her brother and office manager Richard Fleis, and brother Mark Fleis, who runs Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa, prides itself on treating patients with the respect and care they deserve. Beaver Valley Foot Clinic testimonials are our patients own words about their experience with us.
“I think what sets us apart is the fact that we take the time to listen; we really care about our patients and how they are feeling,” explained Dr. Teimouri. “Unlike some other places, we don’t just offer standard treatments; we don’t keep trying the same old thing if it isn’t working. If the patient isn’t getting better, we explore other options.”
Beaver Valley Foot Clinic is able to offer patients alternatives because of its size. “Because we are so big, we are able to share technology among all of our offices,” explained Dr. Teimouri of the practice that now has five locations. “This enables us to have the newest, most advanced technology available to our patients, and we are able to offer it at a reasonable cost.”
Beaver Valley Foot Clinic testimonials
At Beaver Valley Foot Clinic, for example, patients are able to take advantage of the latest advancements in cryosurgery to treat neuromas and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) to treat heel pain. “No other practice in the area does cryosurgery, which we have been offering for the last seven years,” said board-certified surgeon Dr. Derrico Quattrone of the technology that can also be used to treat pain caused by plantar fasciitis, fibromas and other peripheral nerve issues. “We are also the only provider of ESWT in the area.”
Accredited by the American College of Radiology as a Certified Vascular Laboratory, Beaver Valley Foot Clinic is also one of only two practices in Pittsburgh to use a laser to treat toenail fungus.
While the practice tries to offer patients every nonsurgical option available for treatment first, if surgery is necessary, patients can be confident in the abilities of Beaver Valley’s three board-certified medical doctors and two board-certified podiatrists. “Since we have the newest technologies and equipment available, procedures are even easier to perform,” said Dr. Quattrone. “Bunion surgery, for example, used to be avoided by patients because they’d heard horror stories; now, while it is still an invasive procedure, most patients have minimal pain after surgery, and after six weeks, can go back to work.”
Patients suffering from diabetic neuropathy can also take advantage of the expertise of Dr. Quattrone, who received advanced training in this area from world-renowned nerve specialist Dr. A. Lee Dellon at Johns Hopkins University.
This same fusion of technology and personalized care can be found at Beaver Valley’s related businesses—the Advanced Vein Center, which treats spider and varicose veins; the Advanced Liposuction Center; and Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa.
“What sets the Advanced Vein Center apart is that we believe in getting to the cause of the problem; not just treating its symptoms,” said Dr. Teimouri. “At other places, patients may receive injections for years, but the fact is, you won’t keep developing spider veins if you find and treat the primary cause.”
As the premier day spa in the area, Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa is able to offer a wide variety of treatment options. “Most of our competitors have one laser that can perform up to six different treatments; we have 11 lasers than can perform up to 45 different treatments,” explained Chief Operating Officer Mark Fleis. “This enables us to provide the most accurate, least painful and best results.” Services at the medi-spa include laser hair removal, skin and wrinkle tightening, tattoo removal, microdermabrasions, teeth whitening, acne, stretch mark and scar removal and more.
Having been a part of the community for so long, Dr. Teimouri and her brothers believe strongly in giving back to the areas that they serve. Both brothers are members of the Knights of Columbus, and Dr. Teimouri has donated her time to the American Diabetes Association, twice served as the president of the Aliquippa Rotary Club, and was voted Beaver Valley Business Woman of the Year by the Beaver Valley Business and Professional Women’s Club. Since family is so important to them, it is no surprise that their latest charitable endeavor is in support of mothers and unborn children. Working with the Knights of Columbus, the company is donating two ultrasound machines to the Knights of Columbus’ Ultrasound Initiative.
“As a Roman Catholic entity, our goal is to place as many ultrasounds in women’s health centers as we can,” explained Paul Herbert, the Knights of Columbus pro-life project leader. “Abortions are morally unacceptable to our faith. Reports indicate that up to 90 percent of women considering an abortion choose to have their babies after seeing an ultrasound image.” Currently the Knights are working with the Slippery Rock Pregnancy Center for an initial ultrasound unit and the Women’s Choice Network in Wexford to place a new machine in one of their four urban locations.
The Knights of Columbus have been raising money for the initiative through direct donations, soup sales, pancake breakfasts, bingo and more, which will be matched dollar for dollar by the Knights of Columbus national headquarters. For more information, visit www.kofc.org/un/en/prolife/ultrasound/index.html or email Herbert at pdherbert@gmail.com. For more information on the Women’s Choice Network, visit www.mypregnancycenter.org, or visit the Slippery Rock Pregnancy Center at www.pregcenterinslipperyrock.org.
Bone Spur foot clinic testimonials
Plantar Fasciitis Foot Clinic testimonials
“For years, plantar fasciitis had been causing me a lot of pain. My heels really hurt when I went barefoot; and I needed cushioned inserts in my shoes.
When I finally decided to seek help, I called Dr. Tina, and was immediately impressed that she answered her own phone. After hearing about my symptoms, she told me that she could help, and we set up an appointment. When I arrived, her staff was very friendly, and put me at ease right away.
I then received Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, and they explained every step, throughout the process. It was entirely painless, and gave me instant relief! I went from being uncomfortable all of the time, to feeling completely normal – and I was in the office for only about 25 minutes. Before I left, Dr. Tina also gave me some insoles, which help to support my arches. And now, more than a year later, I still feel great!
Dr. Tina and her staff were so nice to me, and ESTW was very effective. I would recommend her to anyone who has any kind of foot ailment.
Heel Pain & Varicose Veins Foot Clinic testimonials
“I had been suffering with plantar fasciitis for quite awhile, and had sought relief from two other podiatrists. They both kept telling me to just continue doing stretches, until the last one advised that surgery would be the only option. Discouraged, I searched online for another solution, and found some great reviews about Dr. Tina. As a last hope, I called her, and she suggested that I try their shock wave therapy.
It was quick and painless, and I walked out feeling much better. My condition steadily improved over the following weeks, and, four months later, there’s still no soreness in my heel! Truly, she saved me from a very invasive, painful operation that would have cost thousands of dollars.
What’s more, while treating me, Dr. Tina noticed that I had some varicose veins, and asked me if they were causing me discomfort. When I said that they were, she got me right in for an ultrasound, and discovered that some of my major leg veins were damaged. Then, the vascular specialist at her office did another procedure, which was also fairly simple. To my surprise, my legs stopped hurting after a couple of weeks, and my varicose veins were fading!
Dr. Tina is an excellent physician, who is very observant, and genuinely caring about her patients. I’ve found this to be very rare in the medical field these days. I cannot thank, or recommend, her enough!
Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment Testimonial
“For over a decade, I had thick, yellow toenails that got uglier every year. It was so embarrassing that I couldn’t wear open-toed shoes, or sandals, even in the summer, which made the heat that much worse; and when I tried to hide them with nail polish, they still looked awful. During this time, I had seen a few doctors, none of whom could get rid of the fungus.
Finally, a friend who had recently had her tendinitis quickly relieved by Dr. Tina, recommended her to me. When I called her office, I got to speak with her directly. Her friendly demeanor, and assurance that she could correct the problem, made me feel better instantly!
When I went for my appointment, everyone was so congenial, and Dr. Tina explained the whole laser procedure to me. It was quick and painless, and it worked! Just as she said it would, the cuticle cleared up after a few months, then the nail started to grow back clear over the next several months, until it was normal again!
Suddenly, for the first time in years, I was excited to shop for cute sandals; and they actually looked so good on me, that I didn’t even want to paint my toenails anymore! I couldn’t be more thrilled; and I can’t recommend Dr. Tina enough!
Wound Care Foot Clinic testimonials
“I’m diabetic, and about four years ago, to improve my health, I started going to Zumba classes every other day. I was easily doing all the moves, including a lot of jumping, and feeling no pain; but, because I had neuropathy, I didn’t realize that I was also doing a lot of damage that I couldn’t even feel. In fact, the impact of those workouts was causing bones in my feet to break, and they were collecting in my arch areas. I didn’t even know there was a problem until I discovered lumps on the bottoms of my feet one day.
Soon, my legs and feet were swollen, so I went to my primary doctor, who, thinking I had blood clots, sent me to the ER. When no clots were detected, my primary doctor put me on water pills for the swelling, without any regard to the lumps on my feet! Worse yet, I was just getting ready to go on vacation, and ended up spending most of it lying in bed, as I was in excruciating pain.
Eventually, my left foot started bleeding; but it wasn’t until I went to see Dr. Tina that my condition was recognized as Charcot Foot. By then, my bones had formed a hard mass on the bottoms of my feet, which meant that I had been walking on bone, and, of course, the complications were only getting worse. In fact, as I discovered, the correct diagnosis came just in time, because, without the proper treatment, I could have lost my foot. It really scares me to think that, for four years, I was putting my trust in a doctor who repeatedly told me that my symptoms were being caused by veins in my legs that had been weakened by my diabetes, and had never even heard of Charcot Foot!
I know I have a long way to go, and some surgery will be required, but now that I’m receiving the proper treatment from a doctor who actually knows what to do, I’m already feeling better. Dr. Tina – and her whole staff – is so awesome and very compassionate. She’s also extremely accommodating, assuring me that I can call anytime I have a problem, and she’ll see me right away. I’m so glad that I found her!
“My problem began as a blister on the ball of my right foot; and I really didn’t think much about it until it started bleeding. Eventually, it got infected and began leaking fluid, so I went to my primary doctor, who put me on antibiotics, which didn’t help. In the meantime, as the owner of a pizza shop, I still had to work 14 to 15 hours a day, spending most of that time on my feet. So, at one point, I decided to try drying my feet by putting them up by an electric heater; but, because my diabetes has affected the nerves in my feet, I couldn’t feel how hot it was, and I ended up with burns and blisters on my toes. So, I went to Dr. Tina, and she’s working miracles with a treatment that started healing very rapidly. In fact, I was surprised at how fast the skin on my toes started growing back; and she’s also successfully treating the original wound on my foot with a very effective antibiotic. Dr. Tina is really doing a fabulous job, and I have a lot of respect for her!
— Dennis Vish Foot Clinic testimonials
“I have a condition called Venous Insufficiency, which prevents blood from getting to
veins, causing tissue break down and leading to ulcers, sores, because of poor circulation, heal so slowly that, at times, I’ve had them last for six months. Dr. Tina has been treating me for these ulcers for awhile; but, many times, while the wounds appeared to be healing on the surface, they didn’t go away completely. But, because she never gives up on searching for newer, better treatments, she’s now using a medication that, besides greatly accelerating the healing process for my wound, has healed it thoroughly. This has made a big difference in my life. I used to have my leg, or legs, bandaged all of the time, sometimes for days, so just taking a shower was a big hassle. Even worse, the ulcers would sometimes seep right through my Unna boot (a light, medicated bandage that forms a soft cast) to my clothes, which was very unpleasant, especially when I was out in public. So, this has improved my life tremendously; After Stranobut, more than just the process and the medication, it’s Dr. Teimouri herself. A lot of doctors come into the room, get some information, treat you, and that’s it; but with her, it’s like talking to a friend. In fact, it’s almost like your next door neighbor is dropping by to see how you are, but then she treats you, too! She’s immensely caring and compassionate.
— Paul Strano Foot Clinic testimonials
“I had an ulcer on each foot, and for a year-and-a-half, I was being treated at the Wound Care Center at Ohio Valley Hospital, where I went every week for debridement of the wounds. Because it was considered outpatient surgery, they would bill my insurance thousands of dollars; and I ended up being billed for $200-$300 every week, though I wasn’t getting any better. Then one day, while visiting a client whom Dr. Teimouri had operated on to straighten out some toes, I was surprised to see her up and around so soon after the procedure, as I’d been told that if I had foot surgery, I’d be laid up for months.
So, I made an appointment with Dr. Tina, and she’s been doing a great job! So far, she’s cured the ulcer on my left foot, and is making progress on the other one; but I also have a bunion on my right foot, which has to be removed before that foot can completely heal, so I’m going to have bunion surgery soon.
I’m very happy with Dr. Tina, for many reasons. For one thing, when she was treating my ulcers, if something she tried didn’t get the best results, she went on to something else, instead of continuing a treatment that wasn’t working, like the Wound Care Center did. It’s obvious that she keeps up on all of the new trends, medications, and treatment options, always learning something new, rather than sticking with the same old, same old. I think that contributed a lot to my being able to get around as well as I can now. She got the treatment right, it worked, and improved the quality of my life enormously. On top of everything else, when I make an appointment, I never have to sit and wait. At other doctors’ offices, I’ve sometimes had to wait for hours, which is terribly inconvenient; but she’s right on time, and I really appreciate that. I would recommend her to anyone – and I have. She’s been excellent!
— Joe Ravas Foot Clinic testimonials
“I was treated for ulcers at two different facilities and things were actually getting worse. A friend recommended Dr. T and for the first time in 1 ½ years we’re headed in the right direction.”
“Chronic ulcers are a complicated, especially when you’ve had them for many months—I get that. I try to follow medical directions exactly and keep a positive attitude about things, but I had been to two different places, and things just kept getting worse.
I also didn’t care for their attitude, they acted like it was my fault, like I was somehow sabotaging things. I’ve also got bad rolling ankles and the first place said “”yea, that looks really bad but there’s nothing we can do.”” No concern, no recommendations, nothing.”
Dr. T started using a special kind of graft and things started to get better. Now that things are healing I’m looking forward to the future. Becoming more mobile, losing some more weight, and getting my diabetes under better control. Things were bad, but now I’ve got a sense of hope. Oh, and she also helped my rolling ankles”
Warren D. Foot Clinic testimonials