Fungus Toenail Care, Beaver County, PA
image fungus nails, toenail fungus picture Cranberry
(as seen in Living Body Beautiful Magazine volume 7)
“I’m very clean…how did I get these disgusting nails?” is a question that I hear everyday. Fungal infections of the nails are not related to personal hygiene. Every person in the world has fungus living happily on their skin, which usually doesn’t cause a problem. So, no, ladies, sorry—this time you can’t blame your husband for contaminating the bed or the shower and giving you those thick, ugly nails.
Toenail fungus can be very embarrassing. Fortunately, there is laser treatment available for this condition. Laser treatments for toenail fungus removal were first approved by the Food and Drug Administration back in 2010. Health care professionals at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic can use several types of lasers to remove the toenail fungus. Laser treatments are popular for toenail fungus removal because they destroy and heat the harmful fungi, but they keep the healthy tissue intact…
A long winter in closed in sweaty shoes can take their toll on your toenails. If you have noticed thick yellow toenails, that have crumbling under the nails, you may have acquired fungus nails.
Ingrown Toenail Treatment An ingrown toenail is a painful medical condition that can affect anyone regardless of age or other medical conditions. Luckily, there are a variety of treatments that can help repair an ingrown toenail. Do not ignore your infected nail. It is important to pay a visit to a healthcare provider. Only a […]
Contrary to what is often thought about the source of toenail fungus, the condition is related to minor or major injury, rather than from poor hygiene. This is why athletes are some of the most common victims of the condition.
An ingrown nail is the result of a nail growing into the skin that surrounds it. This often occurs at either edge of the big toe. Ingrown nails may be caused by improper trimming, Diabetic nails, injuries, fungal infections, or pressure. A simple 5 minute office procedure will permanently fix this problem.
How Do You Get Fungus Toenail infection Research done by Strisower’s team seems to have found that this isn’t such a simple question. These researchers isolated more than 100 microorganisms responsible for causing what we know as onychomycosis, or Fungus Toenail infection. These include varieties of fungus, yeasts, mold, and even bacteria. What’s more, the team […]
There is an answer…Antifungal Nail Polish!
Nail polish that inhibits fungus growth on the nail. It is also free from harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, Xylene, Toluene, and Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) among others.
Are home remedies for unsightly toenail fungus treatment effective? There are plenty of good reasons to take a do-it-yourself approach to minor medical problems. There’s no doctor’s visit involved, and without prescription medication there’s no risk of side effects. Many home remedies also have little to no cost, making them an even more attractive option. What’s […]