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Beaver Valley Foot Clinic
  (878) 313-3338 We Can Help!


Safe Wart Removal Treatment

Wart Removal

There are various wart types and associated treatments. The type of treatment you should proceed with, in order to safely remove warts, will greatly depend on the type that has appeared, and its severity. Luckily for you, the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic is here to help alleviate all of your wart issues and foot discomforts. We offer several different wart removal treatments, for optimal success and comfort.

About Laser Toenail Fungus Removal

Toenail Fungus Removal

Toenail fungus can be very embarrassing. Fortunately, there is laser treatment available for this condition. Laser treatments for toenail fungus removal were first approved by the Food and Drug Administration back in 2010. Health care professionals at Beaver Valley Foot Clinic can use several types of lasers to remove the toenail fungus. Laser treatments are popular for toenail fungus removal because they destroy and heat the harmful fungi, but they keep the healthy tissue intact…

Treatment for Plantar Warts

Plantar Warts – Symptoms andWart Treatments, Pittsburgh

As does any personwho hasa plantar wart, Beaver Valley Foot Clinic knows how painful it can be. Plantar warts grow on the bottom of the foot, but warts can occur anywhere. Unfortunately some who suffer with plantar warts, or verruca,  take wart removal into their own hands. This is not recommended. To remove warts and for foot care in general, it is always good to see a podiatrist or go to a foot clinic.

What’s wrong with my feet?

What’s wrong with my feet?

What’s wrong with my feet? The most commonly encountered skin problems seen by podiatrists. While a multitude of different skin problems are seen by podiatrists on a daily basis some occur much more often than others. When a rash or other skin irregularity is seen some type of infection is usually the culprit. These can […]