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Beaver Valley Foot Clinic
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Diabetic Foot Ulcers

What to do About Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Diabetic foot ulcers are not at all comfortable. These un-healing pressure sores are caused from poor circulation in the lower limbs. Most commonly associated with diabetes, these sores are a quite painful symptom. It is imperative to see one of our professionals at the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic as soon as possible at the earliest sign of foot and lower limb ulcers. When left untreated, these sores can worsen and in severe cases lead to amputation. This makes knowing what to do about foot ulcers at the earliest signs important for all sufferers.

walking benefits

Walking Benefits -Get the Most out of Walking Walking benefits everyone and can be an easy and fun way to meet some of your health goals. Whether you are interested in losing weight, increasing your endurance or strengthening your muscles, walking is something that almost everyone can do. It can be done alone, with a […]

Diabetic Foot Ulcers FAQ’s

What are Diabetic Foot Ulcers?

Diabetic foot ulcers are uncomfortable irritants that can become so severe that mild walking becomes unbearable. These open sores, or wounds, appear in nearly 15% of diabetic patients, most commonly occur on feet and lower legs. The Beaver Valley Foot clinic is here to help with gentle, fast relief of all kinds of foot pain! Don’t wait any longer to relieve discomforts and heal the source of diabetic foot ulcers.

There are some things you can do at home to help relieve the symptoms of an painful ingrown toenail.

Treating Your Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown Toenail Treatment An ingrown toenail is a painful medical condition that can affect anyone regardless of age or other medical conditions. Luckily, there are a variety of treatments that can help repair an ingrown toenail. Do not ignore your infected nail. It is important to pay a visit to a healthcare provider. Only a […]

Stress Fractures: Symptoms, Treatments

Nearly 25% are metatarsal stress fractures. Causing discomfort on the tops of feet below the toes, these stressed areas can severely worsen and cause further issues if left untreated. At the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic, we have everything needed to help you accurately identify and properly treat these fractures.

What can I do about my ingrown toenail ?

Best treatment for an ingrown toenail

The Best thing you can do for your ingrown toenail is see a podiatrist specializing in ingrown nails, like Dr Teimouri DPM. She is kid friendly and knows they are scared and need special treatment. Also she will wait until it is totally numb and never rush you. Third, as a woman she knows that you want your nail to LOOK good after it’s healed. This attention to detail makes Dr Teimouri DPM one of the best Podiatrist in Pittsburgh to fix an ingrown toenail.

Treating Summer Foot Fungus

Foot Fungus Treatments

Summer heat can be uncomfortable, but adding the issue of dealing with foot fungus will make the season seem unbearable. Foot fungus, also known as athlete’s foot, is an infection of the skin on feet, and includes uncomfortable symptoms such as itchy, burning or blistering feet. Foot fungus is contracted when microscopic fungi begin living within dead skin tissue. The build-up of these microscopic bacteria can be caused from various sources, such as a lack of foot washing or excess sweat absorbed through socks within sneakers. Although foot fungus is no fun to deal with, there are ways to relieve and treat its associated discomforts.

Myths About Bunion

Per the American Podiatric Medical Association, a bunion is a “bump” on the joint at the base of your big toe that forms when bone or tissue at the big toe joint moves out of place. Some are painless while others present discomfort so intense it renders a patient unable to fully enjoy daily activity. Either way, bunions are not only a nuisance, if ignored they will progressively get worse.

Treatment for Plantar Warts

Plantar Warts – Symptoms andWart Treatments, Pittsburgh

As does any personwho hasa plantar wart, Beaver Valley Foot Clinic knows how painful it can be. Plantar warts grow on the bottom of the foot, but warts can occur anywhere. Unfortunately some who suffer with plantar warts, or verruca,  take wart removal into their own hands. This is not recommended. To remove warts and for foot care in general, it is always good to see a podiatrist or go to a foot clinic.

harry burke dpm

Dr Harry Burke DPM Podiatrist

Dr Harry Burke DPM, Ambridge Podiatrist Retires Since the retirement of Dr Harry Burke DPM Ambridge Podiatrist, Beaver Valley Foot Clinic welcomes Dr Burke Podiatrist’s patients and will reserve time in our schedule every day for immediate help with foot problems. Call 878-313-3338 for same day and emergency Ambridge podiatry appointments.     Pittsburgh Podiatrist […]

Plantar Fasciitis dr near me

Preventing Plantar Fasciitis

Preventing Plantar Fasciitis There are some common sense steps that you can take to prevent plantar fasciitis or to stop the condition from progressing if you already suffer from it. Consider the following to help with Preventing Plantar Fasciitis Keep your feet in good shape. Always use shoes with appropriate arch support and heel cushioning. […]

shingles vaccine

8 Common Skin & Nail Problems

SKIN AND NAIL PROBLEMS What are Ingrown Toenails? COMMON SKIN & NAIL PROBLEMS – An ingrown nail is the result of a nail growing into the skin that surrounds it. This often occurs at either edge of the big toe. Ingrown nails may be caused by improper trimming, Diabetic nails, injuries, fungal infections, or pressure. […]