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Ankle Sprains and Treatments for a Quick Recovery

Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprains

Treatments for Lateral Ankle Sprains

We’ve all been there.

You’ve made one awkward step and OUCH, you’ve twisted your ankle! In some cases you can shake an ankle sprains off without injury, while other times you’re reduced to hobbling around on one foot, or even worse.

Though some ankle sprains are sports related, others happen when you’re walking down the stairs, getting out of your car or simply getting out of a chair too quickly. Ankle sprains are a ligament injury and can be incredibly painful. Some injuries take up to 4-6 weeks to heal and others may require surgery. Treating an ankle sprain properly is important for the short and long-term effects of any ankle injury.

This month, Beaver Valley Foot Clinic’s Dr. Christina Teimouri shares her insight and expert advice on the variations of a sprain, how to treat them and how to prevent them from happening again.

Grades of Ankle Sprains

  • Grade 1. This is a mild sprain where ligaments slightly stretch. The ankle is a bit sore and a small amount of swelling may be present.
  • Grade 2. This is a moderate sprain where the ligaments are partially torn making the ankle joint feel loose. Putting weight on the ankle may be painful and the ankle will remain swollen for quite some time.
  • Grade 3. This is the most severe sprain because the ligament is completely torn. The injury to the joint is very painful and a large amount of swelling is present. The ankle will feel wobbly and a bit detached. It’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to put any sort of weight on your ankle.

How Can I Treat My Ankle Sprain?

Treatment will depend on the grade of the sprain and may require further direction from a podiatrist.
If you’ve suffered a sprain, he or she will likely tell you to follow the R.I.C.E. Method.

Rest. As with any injury or illness, rest is best. Keep off your ankle and put as little weight on it as possible.

  • Ice. For the first 48 hours, wrap the ankle with a bag of ice in a towel or a cold compress. After Day 3, space this out to every 3-4 hours for 20 minutes.
  • Compress. If your doctor places you in an elastic bandage or air-cast, be sure to follow their instructions and do not remove until they say so.
  • Elevate. Take a seat and keep your leg elevated as much as you can. Elevation reduces swelling as will taking Ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which will also help with the pain.

Ankle Sprain Prevention

Accidents do happen and while you’ll never prevent all ankle sprains, there are several measures you can take to avoid this painful injury:

It’s All About the Shoes. Buying a good pair of shoes is important and they should be tied securely when worn. If you play sports, be sure to buy high-tops or whatever shoe your trainer, coach or PE Teacher suggests. And while most woman love high-heeled shoes, it’s worth noting most ankle sprains are a result of wearing them.

  • Stretch. Always stretch and warm up prior to physical activity, especially if you’ve experienced injury in the past.
  • Beware of Uneven Surfaces. Whether you’ve taken to the trails or you’re walking in the city, pay attention to what’s below you. Watch your step for rocks or uneven and cracked surfaces.
  • Tape your Ankle. If you’ve already suffered an injury, it’s a good idea to tape your ankle to give it that extra bit of support it needs.
  • Avoid running up too many hills.
    Running uphill is a terrific exercise, but you must build it up gradually to prevent injury. Jogging too quickly downhill, which frequently causes more injuries than running uphill, should be avoided!
  • Avoid repeat injuries
    A brace or tape can help athletes who have previously suffered from ankle injuries avoid getting hurt again.
  • Observe your body.
    If you have foot or ankle pain while playing a sport, stop playing or alter your game until the pain goes away.

When To See A Doctor For A Sprained Ankle?

You must strictly see a doctor if you notice following symptoms:

  1. Severe Pain Or Swelling: If putting weight on your ankle is really painful or the discomfort is just intense, then there are chances you have much more serious problem like a fracture. This shouldn’t be ignored and should be treated as soon as possible.
  2. No Improvement After Few Days: If you have been trying home remedies and OTC treatments for a few days and you see no improvements at all then you better look for a doctor before the condition gets even worse.
  3. Bruising Or Discoloration: Significant bruising might indicate a severe or damaged ligament, which can be bad and cause multiple problems, ignoring them isn’t the best thing.
  4. Instability: If your ankles always feel unstable, or keep giving out then it may be a sign of torn ligament.
  5. Frequent Sprains: If you have a history of ankle sprains, then you must seek professional help to prevent further damage.

Can You Develop Chronic Ankle Instability From Sprains?

Yes, chronic ankle instability can develop from ankle sprains. If your ankle is sprained multiple times And hasn’t healed properly after the treatment, your ligaments will become weakened or stretched, which makes the ankle much more prone to future injuries. Overtime, this instability leads to ongoing pain, swelling, and reduced ability to engage in physical activities.

How Does Ankle Sprains Make It Harder to Run Or Exercise?

When you have sprained ankle even a small activity like walking can be painful, so activities like running feeling much harder isn’t a surprise. That’s why it’s recommend to heal completely before you think about returning to any exercise, or it might make the condition worse and cause even more discomfort.

Call Beaver Valley Foot Clinic at (878) 313-FEET for all of your ankle and foot pain.