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Pittsburgh Foot Doctor Who Treats Ingrown Toenails

Pittsburgh Foot Doctor Who Treats Ingrown Toenails

How Ingrown Nail Are Treated?

There are so many different methods to treated ingrown toenail for each stage. Your doctor may use the following methods to treat your problem:

  1. Lifting The Nail

In mild cases, lifting the nail is the best treatment. In this method, your doctor will lift up your nail carefully. Then they will put a cotton ball or below the lifted nail so that it stops growing inside your skin. The cotton ball will stay below your nail until your toenail doesn’t start growing above the skin.

However, you must make sure you change the cotton ball daily and wash your toe as well.

  1. Nail Removal

In some cases if a nail can’t be saved or keeps piercing your skin then your doctor may need to remove your nail completely. During this surgery you will be given an anesthesia so you do not feel any pain. After that your toe will be covered with bandages so that you don’t develop any kind of infection.

A new toenail will grow back so you don’t need to worry about it at all.

Is Surgery Necessary If You Have Recurring Ingrown Toenails?

Yes, if your ingrown nails are recurring and don’t get fixed even after conservative treatments like nail trimming, soaking  or antibiotics then you must get surgery. This type of surgery will usually involve the removal of either partial or entire removal of the toenail. Furthermore, in some cases even the nail bed is treated so that nail growing in that specific direction can be prevented, this will help prevent future recurrences and even the risks of infection.

How Will  It Take Ingrown Toenail To Heal?

The healing process of an ingrown toenail varies from person to person, and factors like severity, and the treatment method used also play a big factor, however, here’s how it usually goes:

  1. Mild Cases: When treated with home remedies like soaking, proper nail care and antibiotics, the recovery will take at least 1 to 2 weeks to show full improvement.
  2. If Surgery Is Done: Surgeries include partial or full removal of the nail, however since it’s not a big surgery, you will typically need only 2 to 6 weeks to heal completely. You can continue your daily works after the surgery, but its important to remember the entire recovery process will take longer.

Does Ingrown Nail Lead To Infection?

Yes, it’s possible for ingrown nails to lead to infections, especially if they aren’t treated properly. The chances are really high since nail grows in the surrounding skin and creates an open would which is prone to many infections. If you get an infections, you may experience signs like:

  • Redness and swelling
  • Pus Or drainage
  • Increased Tenderness
  • Warmth around the affected area.

Infections can be dangerous, if you experience even serious symptoms like fever and chills then call or visit your doctor right away for a proper treatment.

Does the side of your toenail hurt? Is it getting red or swollen?

It may be ingrown. Here are some dos and don’ts :

  • Do not dig at it yourself
  • Do wear wider shoes
  • Do soak it in warm water
  • Do apply topical antibiotic and a band aid daily
  • Do call our Foot Dr @ 878-313-3338 for a location near you!
  • We also have laser treatment for deformed painful fungus toenails

Pittsburgh Foot Doctor