Wart Removal
There are various wart types and associated treatments. The type of treatment you should proceed with, in order to safely remove warts, will greatly depend on the type that has appeared, and its severity. Luckily for you, the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic is here to help alleviate all of your wart issues and foot discomforts. We offer several different wart removal treatments, for optimal success and comfort.
Wart Treatment through Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy is a treatment of warts that literally freezes them away. This treatment method uses swabbed liquid nitrogen, which causes a blister to form around the wart within a week. The area can be numbed prior to cryotherapy, if desired.
Salicylic Acid Topical Medication Treatments
Topical medication options are another common wart treatment method. These topical treatments have salicylic acid within their recipe, which works by removing the wart’s layers a small bit at a time. Salicylic acid topical medication treatments can be applied at home, as directed.
Other Procedures for Severe Wart Issues
If your wart has developed into a severe case, a minor surgical procedure or further intense treatment may be needed. Surgical procedures involve the use of an electric needle, and are avoided unless absolutely necessary. Laser treatments wart removal, by incorporating IPL pulsed dye lasers which remove the small blood vessels attached to the wart (causing it to die and fall off).
Make Use of Wart Prevention
Prevention is the best medicine for health issues of any kind, warts included. Making sure to do a few things, such as avoiding contact with the wart as much as possible, cleaning your hands thoroughly after touching it, and changing your shoes and socks regularly, will go far in preventing the spread of the wart, as well as preventing its recurrence.
Wart Removal at Home
Cider Vinegar Apple
Apple cider vinegar is a well-known natural treatment. Additionally, it works well to get rid of warts. Add one part water and two drops of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture continually for 15 minutes while drenching a cotton ball in the mixture. See the results after using this treatment for a solid two weeks.
Papaya Verde
The enzyme found in papaya removes dead skin cells and aids in the removal of warts. After halves a green papaya, scoop up the white sap that drips from the skin. To form a smooth paste, combine that with a teaspoon of papaya pulp mash and water.
Twice daily, apply this paste on the warts and keep it on for 15 to 20 minutes. This mixture grazes the dead tissue and causes the wart to gradually go away.
Aloe Vera
Warts eradication is only one of the many skin benefits that aloe vera offers. It functions as a natural anti-infective and antioxidant. Aloe vera gel should be applied on warts and left on for 30-45 minutes before being removed with water. Till the wart goes away, do this each day.
This well-known Indian herb has a wealth of health benefits, including the ability to remove warts. Garlic is one of the best natural treatments for warts because of its antibacterial qualities, which fight viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
Apply the garlic cloves to the injured area, then bandage it up. After a half-hour, wash it off with water. You’ll notice progress after two weeks of doing this twice each day.
Cocoa butter
One of the greatest natural treatments for warts that are spread through sex, such as genital and plantar warts, is coconut oil. Its antiviral properties can facilitate the eradication of warts with ease. Apply the oil consistently.
Are All Warts Same Or Do Different Types Of Warts Require Different Treatments?
Not all warts are the same, which means all of them will require different treatments. It’s because variety of warts are caused by various strains of the papillomavirus (HPV), and they differ based on factors like locations, appearance, and individual’s immune response. So in conclusion, not all warts are t same and will require different treatments, here’s more about them:
Common Warts: these are rough, raised bumps that can be found on areas like fingers and hands. Compared to other warts, these warts can be easily dealt with the help of over-the-counter treatments!
Plantar Warts: These are common in soles of the feet, and can require much aggressive treatment as they are deep most of the time. The most common treatments for them are cryotherapy, laser treatment, or stronger salicylic acid formulations.
Flat Warts: These are smooth, small and are known to appear on the areas like face, neck, or legs. Their treatment consists use of prescription creams or dermatologist-guided removal.
Genital Warts: It’s a sexually transmitted wart, and need specialized medical care. Which can include prescription medications or in-office procedures.
Are Wart Removal Treatments Safe For Children or Pregnant Women?
Majority of wart removal treatments are considered safe for children and pregnant women if they are used appropriately, but some precautions are necessary. For example, which treating children, doctors need to make sure they use milder treatment options like salicylic acid or cryotherapy since children’s skin is much more sensitive.
However, pregnancy are complex cases, since treatments hold risks of harming the mother and the baby, that’s why it’s important to use topical treatments like salicylic acid in moderation. While invasive treatments like laser therapy should be completely avoided, unless it’s advised by doctor. Lastly, if it’s the case of genital warts, then pregnant women can seek the medical treatment as hormonal changes can trigger growth in warts.
At the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic, we have everything you need to remedy your wart worries and foot discomforts. Some patients may require repeat treatments for full results, but be it cryotherapy, topical medications and otherwise, the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic is here to offer successful remedies for your foot issues and discomforts. Contact our experts at the Beaver Valley Foot Clinic today by calling (878) 313-3338, now!