Self care toenail fungus

Self care toenail fungus
Of all the conditions podiatrists commonly see, toenail fungus (onychomycosis) is perhaps the most difficult to treat as self care toenail fungus. The condition itself is rarely dangerous but can be quite unsightly, especially in more severe cases. Common symptoms include thickened or brittle nails with a brownish or yellowish discoloration.
One of the most popular and widely used self care toenail fungus treatments is Vick’s Vapo-rub. It doesn’t compare to oral antifungal medications. Lamisil (terbinafine) and Diflucan (fluconazole) are among the most prescribed, and are more effective.
While they offer a good shot at a complete cure, these drugs aren’t perfect. Side effects range from nausea and rashes all the way to severe liver damage. As such, it’s not surprising that oral meds aren’t a good option for patients with pre-existing conditions such as cirrhosis.
In order to avoid these issues entirely a large number of patients try at-home, do-it-yourself treatments first. Here are 10 of the most popular.
Before we start, it’s important to acknowledge that these treatments aren’t a substitute for professional medical care. With this being said, however, they can’t hurt and when you use them properly, they may indeed help.
Self care toenail fungus
Vicks Vaporub
This topical ointment is readily available in any drug store or pharmacy. While intended as a cough suppressant, there’s some evidence of its effectiveness at treating fungal infections, including onychomycosis.
The active ingredients of Vicks include eucalyptus oil and camphor, both of which have antifungal properties. Data is limited, but a 2012 study found that Vicks Vapo-Rub “shows a positive clinical effect” in treating onychomycosis.
Using Vicks to treat toenail fungus is quick and easy. Simply apply a small amount to the affected nails, preferably after a shower or bath.
Snakeroot extract
Snakeroot is a plant in the same family as the common sunflower. It contains several active ingredients which have proven antifungal properties. It is currently believed that snakeroot extract is at least as powerful as most topical antifungal creams.
A small scale study measuring the effectiveness of snakeroot extract was performed in 2009. It was found that the active ingredients found in snakeroot were as effective as the popular prescription topical Ciclopirox.
Snakeroot extract can be bought from many reputable online dealers. Treatment consists of 3 stages. During the first month the extract should be applied to the nails every 3 days. For the second month apply twice weekly. Finally, treatment during the third and final month should be limited to once a week.
Tea tree (melaleuca) oil
Contrary to its name, the tea tree isn’t the same plant used to make the internationally popular steeped beverage. We also know it as the melaleuca tree. The plant is native to Australia and most closely resembles the eucalyptus tree. They use the essential oil of the tea tree over centuries for its many health benefits. Most notably, tea tree oil is a potent natural antiseptic and antifungal.
Several small-scale studies have explored the use of melaleuca oil for the treatment of onychomycosis. There’s a need for larger studies yet the results have been promising. Research done by the National Center for Integrative Medicine has indicated that it’s as effective as some non-prescription creams.
Using it is easy, and this all-natural product has none of the side effects of comparable OTC topicals. Using a Q-tip, simply apply to the entire nail twice a day. Make sure to (gently) apply beneath the nail as far back as possible.
Oil of oregano
Thymol is the active ingredient in oregano oil. It’s responsible for the herb’s unique taste and aroma and is another potent natural antifungal compound. A 2017 meta-analysis of the existing literature concluded that oregano oil achieves results similar to several OTC products.
Oregano oil, or more specifically the thymol it contains, can irritate the skin. To avoid potential irritation many holistic-minded individuals use equal parts oregano and tea tree oil. Oregano oil can be applied using a Q-tip in exactly the same fashion as melaleuca oil.
Olive leaf extract
Unlike most essential oils, which you must apply topically, olive leaf extract works best when you take it orally. When you ingest the extract’s active ingredient, oleuropein, it serves as a natural, systemic antifungal .This produces zero side-effects. As an added bonus it’s thought to boost the immune system as well.
To use olive leaf extract as a dietary supplement take 3 capsules twice daily after meals. Be sure to take with a full 8 ounces of water. Note that you can apply the essential oil of olive leaves topically to the nails. It’s most useful to take the extract orally, however, the extract and oil you can certainly use together.
Ozonized oils
Using a high-pressure diffuser system it’s possible to dissolve the gas ozone into various vegetable oils. In practice the process is a lot like dissolving carbon dioxide in water to make carbonated water. The most commonly used oils are sunflower and olive.
Ozone is toxic to almost all forms of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, molds, and fungi. Ozonized oils are quite potent, and should only be used for short periods of time to treat fungal toenails. When applied to the nails twice daily ozonized oils have a limited ability to penetrate into the nail. This is something most topical agents simply aren’t capable of doing.
In 2011 a side-by-side comparison was done between ozonized sunflower oil and the prescription antifungal cream Xolegel (ketoconazole). The study was quite small, yet the data indicated that sunflower oil was more effective than its prescription counterpart.
Vinegar (acetic acid)
Throughout history the medicinal properties of vinegar have been used to treat a variety of ailments. While no studies or research support using vinegar as an antifungal some holistic practitioners swear by it. Using vinegar carries no risk of side effects. So while it may not help it won’t cause any harm.
Using vinegar as part of a hot soak appears to be most effective. To use, mix 2 parts hot water to 1 part vinegar. Soak the feet for approximately 20-30 minutes daily or as desired. Vinegar is harmless, so there’s no recommended maximum soaking time.
Listerine antiseptic
The antiseptic mouth rinse Listerine contains several essential oils with antifungal properties. These include menthol, eucalyptol, and thymol, the active ingredient in oregano oil. As such it’s not surprising that Listerine has found its place as a do-it-yourself cure for fungal toenails.
Listerine may be used by preparing a hot soak in exactly the same manner as vinegar. Also, much like vinegar, Listerine doesn’t cause any side-effects so it’s fine to soak as long as desired.
Garlic as self care toenail fungus
This universally popular herb has been used for medicinal purposes since before recorded history. Its proven benefits include improved circulation, lowered blood pressure, and improved metabolism, just to name a few. It also has well documented antifungal and antibacterial properties. This makes garlic an obvious choice for the self-treatment of toenail fungus.
To treat onychomycosis, apply crushed garlic to the entire affected nail once daily. Prepared garlic oil is also an effective option, not to mention that it’s much neater. It’s recommended that the garlic be left in place for approximately 30 minutes.
Much like olive leaf extract garlic may also be taken orally in the form of capsules. Garlic capsules vary widely in potency so be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage.
Dietary changes as self care toenail fungus
There’s a clear link between a person’s diet and their susceptibility to fungal infections. Nobody’s diet is perfect, but these suggestions can go a long way in the prevention and treatment of onychomycosis:
- Eat live culture yogurt and other naturally probiotic foods or take probiotic supplements
- Eat foods high in polyunsaturated fats such as cold water fish and flaxseed oil.
- Up your protein intake. Adequate protein is essential for overall nail health and helps prevent brittle nails.
- Get plenty of dietary iron. This nutrient is also essential in preventing brittle nails.
- Get plenty of calcium and vitamin D. Dairy products such as milk and yogurt are obvious choices.
What To Do If Self Care Doesn’t Work?
If self-care methods for toenail fungus don’t show improvement, it’s advisable to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional, preferably a dermatologist or a podiatrist. They can assess the severity of the infection and recommend appropriate treatments. Common medical interventions include prescription antifungal medications, topical treatments, or in some cases, laser therapy or surgical removal of the affected nail. It’s crucial to follow the healthcare provider’s recommendations for the best chance of successfully treating the toenail fungus.
Best Treatments For Toenail Fungus?
The best treatments for toenail fungus depend on the severity of the infection. For mild cases, over-the-counter antifungal creams, lotions, or nail polishes containing ingredients like clotrimazole or terbinafine can be used. Regularly trimming and thinning the affected nail can also aid topical treatments’ effectiveness.
In moderate to severe cases, prescription-strength antifungal medications like oral terbinafine or itraconazole are often prescribed. These medications help the new nail to grow without the fungal infection. Topical prescription medications might also be recommended alongside oral treatments for enhanced efficacy.
Laser therapy is a newer option that has shown promising results in treating toenail fungus. It involves using laser light to penetrate the nail and kill the fungus.
In some cases, especially when the infection is painful or causes repeated infections, surgical options such as nail removal might be considered. After the nail is removed, an antifungal cream can be applied directly to the nail bed.
Should I Wear Always Wear Socks Or Shoes If I Have Toenail Fungus? Or Is It Okay To Stay Barefoot?
If you have toenail fungus then staying barefoot can be really dangerous, especially if you are going to moist areas like shower rooms, bathrooms, swimming pools or gyms. Staying barefoot in such places with toenail fungus can spread your fungus to others or might make your situation worse. Wearing socks will be much safer and will also minimize the risks of transmission.
However, if you are home you can choose to stay barefoot especially if the floor is clean and dry, but wearing breathable socks and shoes is always a great option as it will minimize the exposure to moisture. Further, when you wear socks, make sure you wear the breathable and moisture-wicking ones, and do not forget to change them regularly!
Should I Avoid Nail Polish Or Artificial Nails If I Have Toenail Fungus?
Yes, it’s a good idea to not use any nail polish or artificial nails if you are suffering from toenail fungus, here are some reasons:
1. Hiding the fungus: Nail polish will create a dark, and warm environment where moisture can be easily trapped, this as a result can encourage growth if the fungi. At the end, this will only increase the infection, and will make your condition much harder to treat.
2. Artificial Nails: Just like nail polish, artificial nails will create a dark environment where moisture can be easily trapped. Since the artificial nail will be on your real nails, it will be hard to monitor it’s health, which isn’t good at all and can make your condition harder to treat.
Overall, using nail polish or artificial nails on a toenail fungus can be a terrible idea, it will just make the situation worse by creating an ideal environment for the fungi, which is why you must avoid them at all costs.
How Long Toenail Fungus Takes To Go Away?
The duration for toenail fungus to completely resolve varies. With consistent and appropriate treatment, mild cases might show improvement in a few weeks. However, it can take several months for the new, healthy nail to grow in and replace the infected part. Severe infections might require long-term treatment. It’s crucial to follow the recommended treatment plan and be patient, as toenail fungus can be slow to clear.
When all else fails, come in for safe effective Laser toenail treatments for fungus