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Beaver Valley Foot Clinic
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Do you suffer from acute or chronic sores

Do you suffer from acute or chronic sores

Do open wounds or chronic sores put you at risk for infection? Do you suffer from acute or chronic sores? Do they cause you pain, discomfort of embarrassment? Do open wounds put you at risk for infection or other serious medical conditions? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, then the dermaPACE […]

pumice stone

How to Use a Pumice Stone

How to Use a Pumice Stone Pumice stones are formed when volcanos are erupted. Although it’s a stone it’s really lightweight and looks like foam. Because of its abrasive properties it can be used to exfoliate the skin by removing dead and dry skin cells from your body parts such as knees and elbows. It […]

plantar fasciitis surgery

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery In general,surgery is not needed to treat cases of plantar fasciitis. Approximately 95% of those suffering from plantar fasciitis are able live a life free from heel pain without resorting to surgery. However, your healthcare provider might deem surgery necessary if you have exhausted nonsurgical treatment options with no success. He or […]


What causes hammertoe and mallet toe?

What causes hammertoe and mallet toe? These hammertoe deformities have several well-established causes which include: Poorly fitting footwear: any shoes or boots which don’t allow the toes to lie flat have the potential to cause either deformity. Overly tight toe boxes are also major contributors. Note that high-heeled shoes are notorious for causing these conditions […]